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To explore career options in your college days, you need to sign up for different internships to learn and acquire insight. However, what can bring an internship near to you? Exactly, your resume. A resume is a strong report that will depict your expert work profile. An ideal resume can make your profile appealing and showcase all your strengths, skills, and abilities. 

A resume is not a piece of cake; the format and content of a resume change along with different jobs and internships. Here are some detailed guidelines discussed so that you can prepare your resume without facing any problems. 

How To Write An Internship Resume

In college, Every student is enthusiastic about an internship program and searching for a resume that can succeed in their internship and show them as a special personality. So, to provide convenience here we are to assist you with drafting your resume for the internship program. You can essentially turn over this article, grasp the embodiment of a decent resume, and set up an ideal resume to assist you with tracking down your dream company's internship. 

Here are a few simple things that you can consider before writing your resume for your internship:

  1. Understand The Demand for your Internship: Make sure you explore the opportunities and choose the one you fit best. You must understand all the demands and recruiting criteria to avoid any problems in between. 
  2. Explore Your Favourite Companies: Check the enlistment of your favourite organisations consistently. Set up a well-designed or planned report to guarantee you don't miss any open doors, or remember to send your resume for every internship program. To stay up to date, you can use an Excel sheet.
  3. Review The Job Or Company: After preparing the list of your favourite companies, you must analyse their job descriptions and reviews from past interns and employees. These descriptions reveal the skills and duties needed to succeed, making them crucial for crafting a solid resume. 
  4. Must Include Ats: Many organisations depend intensely on ATS to waitlist up-and-comers. You should add a few catchphrases. On the off chance that your resume misses the mark on important catchphrases, it probably won't arrive in a human selection representative's eyes. Counting ATS catchphrases expands your possibilities of getting your resume seen by the framework and pushing ahead in the application cycle.

Format of an Internship Resume

Various formats of resumes can be used according to the place of recruitment and the demand. Also, you can customise the format of your resume a little as needed. You must remember a few things to make your resume eye-catching and readable. 

Length is Key

Initial impressions matter, and keeping your resume brief is significant in the speedy selection world. Hold back on a single page, with a two-page most extreme as an outright exception. Spotters get incalculable applications, so a brief and effective resume will catch their eye and get you noticed.

Clarity is King

Forget long, tangled sentences. Decide on short, clear articulations and list items to make your resume meaningful. Envision your resume as a depiction of your abilities and experience; each point ought to be completely clear and add esteem; this won't bore your recruiter. 

Font Matters

Keep an expert look utilising a generally perceived textual style like Arial or Times New Roman. For optimal readability, choose a font size between 10 and 12 points. Consistency is key, so make sure the edges are no less than 0.5 inches on all sides of your resume. Likewise, unpretentious utilisation of text, textual style, and edges will make your resume more alluring and attractive. 

Proofreading is Essential

A resume riddled with typos or grammatical errors can be a dealbreaker. Take the time to proofread meticulously. Use the present tense for your current role and the past for previous experiences.

Visual Appeal

An outwardly engaging resume establishes a positive first connection. Keep a spotless and proficient design with steady organising. Think about utilising subtle headers or bolding for key segments to upgrade clarity and make it more attractive for the selection representatives.

What Should You Include In A Resume For An Internship?

First, you must use the correct format; there are different resumes for every other job. So, be careful about where you are applying. 

Your first step is to understand the job area and include all its related experiences. Also, remember that you are a college student, so your primary focus will be academics and co-curricular activities. 

Here are a few significant constraints that you can add to your internship resume to make it more attractive:

  1. Personal details: Of course, every resume should include personal details. What's different about that? Usually, all the resumes have some standard Personal information like name, email, ID, contact no., postal address, etc. However, for some spice, you can also consider your relevant social media handle as a personal detail to showcase your skills. 
  2. Summary of your career: You can also briefly describe your career and showcase your profile attractively and efficiently for convenience. Also, this way, you can give your long-term career goal idea to your recruiter. 
  3. Educational detail: You have to include all your educational qualifications to attract your job recruiters' attention because many students will apply for the same internship. Some extra skills or qualifications will make you more capable of the current internship. Also, you can mark your grade and CGPA for more attention. 
  4. List all your skills: Ultimately, to show your personality, add all your skills. Include soft and hard skills because both significantly affect your recruitment. These skills highlight your potential more creatively.
  5. Experience and achievement: You can add all your experiences to showcase your potential and make yourself more worthy of recruitment. If you are a fresher, you can include your past experiences related to this and all your past internships or interactions.

Internship Resume Template

Contact Information

  • Full Name
  • Phone Number (Professional number)
  • Email Address (Professional address)
  • LinkedIn Profile URL (Optional)
  • Relevant Social media (optional)

Summary/Profile (Optional)
You can include 2-3 sentences to  Briefly introduce yourself and highlight relevant skills or experiences that make you a strong candidate for the internship. Tailor this section to the specific internship by mentioning the company name or industry focus. It also shows your long-term view to attract positive attention. 


  • Institution Name (City, State)
  • Degree (Expected if not completed)
  • Graduation Year (Expected if not completed)

Also, you can include some other and extra qualifications to maximise your potential. 


  • Organisation Name (City, State) - Dates of Involvement
  • Title (Optional)
  • Key Achievements/Responsibilities: (Bullet points)

Use strong action verbs and quantifiable results to describe your contributions; this will create a favourable profile of you in the recruiter's mind

Focus on transferable skills relevant to the internship. Include relevant projects or volunteer work that demonstrates your skills and initiative.
You can also make separate sections for some extra skills (soft and hard) and include them below

Skills (Optional)

List relevant technical and soft skills that complement your experience and the internship description.

  • Consider including:
  • Software proficiency (e.g., Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Creative Suite)
  • Communication skills (written and verbal)
  • Teamwork abilities
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Analytical skills (if relevant)

Another section you make is for all the Achievements and awards you have received in the respective field. You can also mention your certifications, whether they are academic or professional. This will show your proficient behaviour in the field.

This is just a template. Customise it with your information and tailor it to your needs and each internship you apply for.


This internship opportunity is provided just to give you a little experience. You can impress your higher authorities in your intern days to be permanent, but for this first, you must be an intern. Internship is not everyone's cup of tea because companies hire potential interns to gain maximum outcomes and the best possible results. So, to be recruited as an intern, you must draft a skillful resume that can attractively capture all your strengths and skills. 

The above information and details are enough to create an internship resume that will help you secure your place as an intern in your dream company or association. Are you waiting for multinational companies to hire you as an intern? Wait no more; join JobsEager now and get hired by Google, Amazon, and many other multinational companies.