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Tips to write an email resume effectively

Tips to write an email resume effectively

To be hired for a job, you must tailor your resume effectively. There are various ways in which you can write your resume and align your skills and abilities. Writing an email resume is a complex task, or you can simply say that it's a journey from researching the job application to writing the body of the email with clear and concise language.

In this blog you will learn how to craft an email resume and what factors can affect your email resume. There is anything that you should consider in your email resume like the body of your email, the subject and the language you use. Basically, there are many ways by which you can send your resume to the company, but Emails are one of the most professional ways of doing so. First, you are going to understand the importance of an email resume.

The importance an email resume holds

Generally, resumes were sent by mail or distributed face-to-face. Today, email has become the preferred strategy for submitting applications because of its convenience. This shift presents a chance to establish a more grounded connection than a dry resume alone can.

Presents You and Your Offered services

The email goes about as a customised introductory letter. It lets you fit your message to the work and company, showing you've done all necessary investigations. You can feature a vital accomplishment or expertise from your resume that straightforwardly addresses the business' necessities. This personalisation can separate you from a heap of conventional applications. 

Proficient Show

A well-crafted personalised email showcases your abilities aligned with the company's needs and attention to detail. It demonstrates that you understand professional etiquette and can effectively present yourself in writing. This is an important review of how you would speak with partners and clients whenever recruited.

What Factors Make An Ideal Email Resume

There are many things that you should keep in mind before crafting your email resume. Here are some important factors discussed below in detail:

Use of professional email username

A professional email address is essential for applying for a job or an internship. Here is a breakdown of what you can include in a professional email address: 

  • Stay away from nicknames or casual terms: Avoid using "cooldude420" or "partygirl1999" as email usernames.
  • Utilise your complete name or initials: The ideal configuration is firstname.lastname@company.domain. Assuming that is inaccessible, firstname.initiallastname@company.domain works as well. These names make you look genuine and sincere.
  • Organisation email address (whenever utilised): If your organisation offers you a professional email address, then that is the ideal choice for business-related work or communication.

Clear and concise use of subject line 

A strong subject or title for your job or internship email behaves like a small bulletin, catching the receiver's eye and obviously expressing your motive. This configuration provides all the fundamental data and information in a reasonable and proficient manner, expanding the chances of the hiring manager opening your email and learning more about your qualifications.

  • Clarity: It immediately tells the recipient whether it's a job application or any other request for the company. There is no chance of confusion about spam or sales pitches.
  • Conciseness: To achieve further perfection, you have to keep it brief, allowing for easy scanning in a crowded inbox.
  • Specificity: Provide further specifications of the exact position you're applying for. This will show that you've tailored and researched your application.
  • Personalisation: This section will Include your name and other personalised specifications. It makes it stand out from generic applications.

Targeting the Hiring Manager

A targeted salutation shows you've put in the extra effort to research the company. It demonstrates respect for the recipient. Also, this shows the eagerness to work with that you have researched about them before sending the application and are aware of their work background. 

  • Research is key: Finding the hiring manager's name demonstrates the effort and personalisation you made before applying. Look for it on the job posting, company website (careers page or team directory), or through professional networking sites like LinkedIn.
  • Formal salutation: After the research task is done and Once you have the name, use a formal salutation like "Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name]" or "Dear [First Name] [Last Name]". If unsure of the gender, use "Dear [Full Name]".
  • Hiring Manager: When the hiring manager's name is unavailable, "Dear Hiring Manager" is a perfectly acceptable alternative. It's professional, clear, and widely used.
  • Recruiting Team: If the job posting mentions a recruiting team, it is essential to use "Dear [Company Name] Recruiting Team." This will ensure that your email reaches the right department.

Tips to tailor your resume

  • Tailor your resume with the expected set of responsibilities: Mention and provide important expertise or achievement that lines up with the particular necessities of the position.
  • Measure your impact: Use numbers at whatever point conceivable to exhibit the adequacy of your past work (e.g., "expanded sales by 15%").
  • Centre around accomplishments: You don't have to list your skills and abilities simply; feature explicit outcomes you have achieved in your past jobs.
  • Show your energy: Kindly convey your veritable interest and passion for the particular work or job. This will make you more reliable and suitable for the job.
  • Align your abilities to the organisation's objectives: Explain how your abilities can contribute to the organisation's prosperity so that the organisation understands the importance of hiring you.

Sample for an email resume 

Here is a sample given below with which you can prepare your personalised resume for yourself. You simply have to use your details and Qualifications. 

Subject: Application for Graphic Designer - [Your Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager name],

I am writing to express my strong interest in the Graphic Designer position advertised on [Platform where you saw the ad]. With 3 years of experience in graphic design and a passion for creating visually compelling content, I am confident I possess the skills and qualifications you're looking for.

In my previous role at [Previous Company Name], I played a key role in developing and executing creative campaigns across various media platforms. I have a proven ability to translate complex ideas into clear and engaging visuals, and I am proficient in using industry-standard design software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.  Most recently, I spearheaded the design of a new product brochure that resulted in a 20% increase in customer inquiries.

I am drawn to [Company Name]'s focus on [mention something specific about the company that excites you, e.g., innovation, a particular design style]. I believe my creative vision and ability to collaborate effectively would make me a valuable asset to your team.

I have attached my resume, further detailing my skills and experience.  Thank you for your time and consideration. I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience.


[Your Name]


In conclusion, crafting a compelling email resume can significantly increase your chances of landing an interview. Following the tips outlined above, you can showcase your qualifications and tailor your message to resonate with the hiring manager. Remember to keep your email concise and professional and highlight your achievements that align with the job requirements.

For your convenience, you can leverage the platform JobsEager, a one-stop solution for all your job search needs. JobSeager offers a user-friendly interface to create and manage your resume, along with valuable resources and job listings to help you find your dream career.